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What do you seek?  Are you fully aware of you who ACTUALLY are?

Do you feel a powerful call inside of you to move to the next level...yet sometimes feel lost, lonely, or disassociated from your body - and the world around you?  Strong women of purpose often FEEL THIS PARADOX profoundly.  Wanting to find yourself -and "missing the mark", not living as the REAL YOU - can create a deep longing, an emptiness, an ever-encroaching sense that something is missing.  

Usually it's because SHE is missing. 

Are you searching for a deeper spiritual connection to the DIVINE FEMININE?  Do you want to feel the authentic Feminine Force of the Universe and embody it in your very being?  Are you weary of living for others and just ...wanna ...  be ... YOU Do you even know who you are, really?   Your soul's most intensive driving need and highest priority is to seek out and embrace YOUR AUTHENTIC SELF. 

I'll help you find Her.

What is the Stand Speak Shine Course?

This is a 3-month self-actualization program focused on the remembrance & reclamation of: 

  • Your Feminine Worth
  • Your Inner and Outer Beauty
  • Your Creative Power

Learn to become ensouled and embodied to receive: ABUNDANCE, RADIANCE & CONNECTION, the “A.R.C” of Creation (and that which our souls crave and seek).

The "A.R.C. of Creation"


Ancient Mother; Goddess; Heavenly Mother; The Divine Feminine...whatever you want to call Her... Mother Nature shows us that a woman can work magic.  Abundant living - through CREATION -is your birthright.


As you embrace THE ACTUAL YOU, your energetic vibration raises, your cells transmute... and you literally start to glow.  Claim beauty, vibrant health...& powerful FEMININE MAGNETISM! 


Human connection is essential to your emotional and physical health.  Learn about intimacy, INFLUENCE, & how to show up authentically in your closest relationships.

Fulfill That Which Your Soul Craves and Seeks

Here's what's included:

  • Learn how the Divine Feminine manifests in YOU
  • Learn to fully express your Feminine Energy
  • Finally get over your low self-worth and depression issues!
  • Define your soul path and purpose
  • Learn to literally BE attractive with the Laws of Feminine Magnetism
  • Get the Creation Compass Rose© as a visual tool to create or heal ANYTHING 
  • Learn the 12 Feminine Practices -  for magical life transformation
  • Learn how to EAT and MOVE your body for super-beauty & high energy
  • Discover Rituals and Secrets of Feminine Power & Influence with the New Feminine Leadership Paradigm
  • Find out your unique Sacred Style Archetype© (how to get the SHINE FACTOR by learning to dress for your unique energy type)


A High-Vibe Online Community
Videos, Audios, Meditations & Monthly Live Q&A with Cherie
Lifetime access  


All for 1 payment of $222 

Contract required • No refunds

If you are ready to purchase now click below.


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