What is a shared-death experience? You will find out on this fascinating episode, The Veil Pt 2, where I interview Dr. Jeff O’Driscoll, an attending emergency room physician while Jeff Olsen (in the previous podcast episode, The Veil Pt 1) was fighting for his life. While in the hospital room, Dr. Jeff shared a profound “lifting of the veil” experience with a nurse wherein they beheld Jeff Olsen’s wife who had passed on that day. Through this and other veil-rending experiences throughout his life, Dr. Jeff – like Jeff Olsen in the previous episode – has developed a larger vision for humanity and a respect for the unique paths of each human soul. After decades as a trauma one emergency room physician, he is now doing healing work and speaking full time. His book, Not Yet: Near Life Experiences and Lessons Learned is a 2018 Best of State Award Winner.
Dr. Jeff O’Driscoll’s personal mission creed is, “I exist to help souls heal.” Beautiful, isn’t it?
In this episode:
- What actually IS “the veil”?
- His profound experience with a homeless man in the Emergency Room
- Why it is imperative that we allow someone else the freedom to walk their own spiritual path, even – and especially – if it is not ours.
- What he would say to someone who says God respects our free agency and so, “He does not intervene.”
- Why is it so important to be OPEN to truth, in whatever source it comes from?
- And the bomb… Is there just “one way” to follow God?
If you missed the previous episode, Episode 019: The Veil Pt 1: Beyond Religion, Beyond Beliefs, Beyond Death, please go back and listen! Jeffery C. Olsen shares how all of life is in divine order and how belief systems can really mess with our souls. (and not in a good way!) Plus, he shares his absolutely incredible near-death experience and trauma of losing his wife and their toddler son – as well as his leg. I love the hearts and souls of these two Jeffs, my brothers in truth!
Check out Dr. Jeff O’Driscoll’s website.
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I recently launched two online courses: The Emotional Wholeness Master Class and The 22 Day Depression Cleanse. Get them now on Cherie’s website.
I am the author of two e-books, “Where Depression Ends and You Begin: 4 Passages to Discovery”; and “True and Lasting Change–4 Ways to Break Through Fear.”
My Stand Speak Shine programs provide women with retreats and mentoring programs to empower them to heal, express and create.