What does the reclamation of power and identity have to do with Mary M? Oh goodness, where to start?! The Gospel of Mary Magdalene was part of the discovery of the Nag Hammadi ancient Christian texts, referenced as the Gnostic Gospels. In these texts, Mary was referred to as “apostle to the apostles.” Yet, she’s been written right out of Christian history and has been the target of systemic patriarchal disassociation. Until now – the new era of the Feminine. Amber Richardson a scholar/researcher of feminist critical theory, is the podcast host of “On Sovereign Wings: For Women Seeking to Reclaim Their Power” and is the author of the soon-to-be released Woman, Crowned.
In this episode:
- Is it possible Christ communed with Female Deity/Heavenly Mother in His wilderness experiences and in the Garden of Gethsemane?
- What is our Mother actually like? I mean, is She some docile, subservient, stand-in-the-background, soft, meek being? (You probably know where we’re going with that one!)
- How can a Female Deity/Heavenly Mother be communed with during times of darkness and struggle – and in Amber’s case, when repressed memories surface?
- How can you raise the frequency in your heart as a means to heal from abuse?
Check out Amber’s work and her website
“Healing wasn’t meant to be complicated!”
Here are my Soul Declaration Cards They are a powerful affirmation and af”form”ation tool for reframing the mind and stepping into your YOU-NESS!
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Check out my self-guided online course, the 22 Day Depression Cleanse (22 Days, 22 Minutes a Day, $22.00)
I recently launched two online courses: The Emotional Wholeness Master Class and The 22 Day Depression Cleanse which can be found HERE.
I am the author of two e-books, “Where Depression Ends and You Begin: 4 Passages to Discovery”; and “True and Lasting Change–4 Ways to Break Through Fear.”
My Stand Speak Shine programs provide women with retreats and mentoring programs to empower them to heal, express and create.
My book, If She Could Speak, will be released in 2020.