“How do we reconcile our fear of truly being seen?” “How do we dissolve self-consciousness so it doesn’t stop us from what our heart is calling us to do?” This inspiring conversation with Rachael Jayne Groover shares surprising discoveries that arose at the intersection of her studies and teachings in psychology, spirituality, and somatics. She presents ways to elevate your ability to communicate in a magnetic way, to live with a consistent inner peace and quiet mind. Rachael Jayne is the creator of the Art of Feminine Presence® and The Awakening trainings. She is the author of the best-selling books Powerful and Feminine: How to Increase your Magnetic Presence and Attract the Attention You Want and Divine Breadcrumbs: A Search for True Love and Enlightenment.
In this episode:
- Fear of being seen and how to dissolve that fear for good
- The importance of EMBODIMENT in the spiritual awakening journey
- The 4 Levels of Awakening (I LOVED THIS!)
- What is the intelligent center in our body that attracts and holds our magnetism most powerfully?
My WSW Listeners receive RJ’s FREE video series: “FULLY EXPRESSED: How to take the brakes off and become more visible and well-compensated as a feminine leader.” http://ArtofFemininePresence.com/FullyExpressed
Check out Rachel Jayne’s work: http://RachaelJayne.com
I recently launched two online courses: The Emotional Wholeness Master Class and The 22 Day Depression Cleanse which can be found HERE.
I am the author of two e-books, “Where Depression Ends and You Begin: 4 Passages to Discovery”; and “True and Lasting Change–4 Ways to Break Through Fear.”
My Stand Speak Shine programs provide women with retreats and mentoring programs to empower them to heal, express and create.
My book, If She Could Speak, will be released in 2020.