It is impossible NOT to feel fear; its powerful charge works potently in and around us. It is what you DO with arising fear – how you manage it this potency – which makes or breaks your level of happiness and fulfillment. You own the fear, or it owns you! Heather Vickery is an award-winning entrepreneur, business owner and success coach. Her books, “The Brave Files” Podcast Show and transformational coaching approach help clients leverage fear and turn it into intentional bravery. After a major life transformation and divorce, her world was turned upside down. Suddenly the mother of four had the freedom to be her most authentic self, which empowered her with the confidence she needed to repair, rebuild, and relearn who she was. “When you look for the blessings, there are more blessings to find.”
In this episode:
- Is “feel the fear and do it anyway” good advice?
- The life-changing power of a GRATITUDE practice (literally changes your brain and a brain scan would prove it!)
- How gratitude makes space for BRAVERY
- Designing a work-life balance that gives you HARMONY!
- How, when you answer and heed the call to be you allows others to “bask in the glow” of your AUTHENTICITY.
Check out Heather’s work on www.vickeryandco.com Heather is an inspiring speaker, podcast host of the author of Gratitude Journal: Shift Your Focus and her second book on Gratitude, Grow Grateful: A Gratitude Journal for Kids and Families will be available on December 3rd. She’s also the executive producer and host of The Brave Files Podcast.
Drum roll…I just announced my Stand Speak Shine School for 2020 and spots are filling up. ? Check it out! www.standspeakshine.com
I recently launched two online courses: The Emotional Wholeness Master Class and The 22 Day Depression Cleanse which can be found HERE.
I am the author of two e-books, “Where Depression Ends and You Begin: 4 Passages to Discovery”; and “True and Lasting Change–4 Ways to Break Through Fear.”
My Stand Speak Shine programs provide women with retreats and mentoring programs to empower them to heal, express and create.
My book, If She Could Speak, will be released in 2021.