In this time of global uncertainty, relationships are on high alert. New skills are needed – new ways of being and relating – to navigate what’s here and what’s ahead. Whether you are married or not, this episode will MOVE you. My soul sister from the UK, Love & Relationship Expert Dimple Thakrar, shares her incredible story of awakening after almost divorcing her husband of over two decades. I was there, too – very recently – and both of us talk candidly about what we’ve learned (the hard way) about men and marriage.
In this episode:
- What is happening to “derail” marriages with strong, focused women
- Why many married couples live as “roommates” vs. passionate partners
- How a healthy marriage can be your lifeblood
- 70% of divorcees state they wouldn’t have ended their marriages if they’d known…
Register for mine & Dimple’s FREE MARRIAGE MASTERCLASS on April 23, 10 am-Noon MST: https://www.standspeakshine.com/marriagemasterclass
Find Dimple: https://www.dimpleglobal.com/
I recently launched two online courses: The Emotional Wholeness Master Class and The 22 Day Depression Cleanse which can be found HERE.
I am the author of two e-books, “Where Depression Ends and You Begin: 4 Passages to Discovery”; and “True and Lasting Change–4 Ways to Break Through Fear.”
My Stand Speak Shine programs provide women with retreats and mentoring programs to empower them to heal, express and create. www.standspeakshine.com
My book, If She Could Speak, will be released in 2021.