In quiet moments, I’ve had some thoughts on what is happening right now, on the deeper level. I know we’re all experiencing a mixed bag of emotions and there’s great speculation on what’s next for us, as individuals and as a collective. At no other time in history is getting clear on our own knowing – and hearing our own soul voice – more important than it is right now.
In this episode:
- How is this virus a massive teacher for humanity right now?
- What was the “better part” Jesus was referencing with Mary Magdalene?
- What if what we’re waiting for is already here, inside?
- How do we come to a “knowing” we can trust?
Register for mine & Dimple Thakrar’s FREE MARRIAGE MASTERCLASS – next week – April 23, 10 am-Noon MST: https://www.standspeakshine.com/marriagemasterclass
I recently launched two online courses: The Emotional Wholeness Master Class and The 22 Day Depression Cleanse which can be found HERE.
I am the author of two e-books, “Where Depression Ends and You Begin: 4 Passages to Discovery”; and “True and Lasting Change–4 Ways to Break Through Fear.”
My Stand Speak Shine programs provide women with retreats and mentoring programs to empower them to heal, express and create. www.standspeakshine.com
My book, If She Could Speak, will be released in 2021.