It’s episode 100!!!!! I’m celebrating over here because I love what I do and who I get to dive deep with on this show. What is the “new” Feminism and how does the Divine Feminine fit into it (from a high vibe standpoint)? My dear friend and biz co-creator, Dimple Thakrar (an amazing Love and Relationships Coach) is talking straight with me about readdressing the gender power balance by allowing the masculine and feminine to step into their own power…in very diverse ways. And not just in our partnerships, but within OURSELVES.
- “Take care of the girl and the woman will rise.” (authentic power and confidence is an inner-child process!)
- What does it look like to serve from a place where you NEVER feel depleted?
- How do you magnetize vs. repel other people?
Link to this episode: https://traffic.libsyn.com/secure/womenseekingwholeness/100.mp3 (SUBSCRIBE to Women Seeking Wholeness on iTunes, Spotify, RadioPublic, Google Podcasts, and all other podcast platforms)
Find mine and Dimple’s special offer (Fix Your Marriage in 40 Days): https://www.fixyourmarriagein40days.com/
GRAB Cherie’s FREE HEALING KIT: https://www.standspeakshine.com/healingkit